NextFlow Modules
Nextflow Modules
Modules in Nextflow DSL2
Modules in Nextflow DSL2 offer an extensive range of features that can be utilized according to the granularity of your pipeline creation needs.
MODULE - A module in Nextflow is essentially a
that can be reused in various pipelines. It is designed to be as atomic as possible, meaning it cannot be further split into another module. For instance, a module file containing the process definition for a single tool, such asFastQC
, is a prime example of this concept. Currently, this repository is intended to host only atomic module files. These should be added to the modules/ directory ofnf-core/modules
, accompanied by the necessary documentation and tests.
Key Points About Nextflow (DSL2) Modules
Similar to most programming languages, Nextflow also supports the concept of creating reusable code blocks or modules.
Nextflow (DSL2) introduces the provision to define module scripts, which can be included and shared across different workflow pipelines. This increases code reusability and enhances maintainability.
A module file in Nextflow is simply a script containing one or more process definitions. These definitions can be imported into another Nextflow script, facilitating a modular and organized coding structure.
A module can consist of various definitions including functions, processes, and workflows. This flexibility allows the creation of complex, yet manageable, pipeline structures.
Syntax for Module Creation
process MODULE_NAME {
// Declare inputs and outputs
file input_data
file 'output_data'
// Declare the script to be executed
your_command ${input_data} > output_data
In this example, MODULE_NAME
is the name of the module, input_data
is an input file, and your_command
is the command to be run in this module.
This process block can be saved as a Nextflow script file and can be imported into other scripts as a module.
Syntax for Module Import
include 'path/to/module' as MODULE_ALIAS
Here, path/to/module
is the path to the Nextflow script file that contains the module, and MODULE_ALIAS
is the alias name you want to use for this module in your script.
This include
statement allows you to reuse the module across various workflow pipelines.
mkdir modules
cd modules
- Create a new file
in the current modules directory; paste the following and save.
/* ======================================================================================== FASTQC module ======================================================================================== Website: ======================================================================================== */ // Parameter definitions params.CONTAINER = "" params.OUTPUT = "trim_fastqc_output" process FASTQC { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${reads}" ) input: tuple val( sample_id ), path( reads ) output: path( "*_fastqc*" ), emit: fastqc_out script: """ fastqc ${reads} """ }
- Create a new file
in the current modules directory; paste the following and save.
/* ======================================================================================== BWA-INDEX module ======================================================================================== Website: ======================================================================================== */ // Parameter definitions params.CONTAINER = "" params.OUTPUT = "bwa_index" process BWA_INDEX { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${genome}" ) input: path( genome ) output: tuple path( genome ), path( "*" ), emit: bwa_index script: """ bwa index ${genome} """ }
- Create a new file
in the current modules directory; paste the following and save.
/* ======================================================================================== BWA-ALIGN module ======================================================================================== Website: ======================================================================================== */ // Parameter definitions params.CONTAINER = "" params.OUTPUT = "bwa_align" process BWA_ALIGN { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple path( genome ), path( "*" ), val( sample_id ), path( reads ) output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}.aligned.bam" ), emit: aligned_bam script: """ INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.amb" | sed 's/.amb//'` bwa mem \$INDEX ${reads} > ${sample_id}.aligned.sam samtools view -S -b ${sample_id}.aligned.sam > ${sample_id}.aligned.bam """ }
- Create a new file
in the current modules directory; paste the following and save.
/* ======================================================================================== SAMTOOLS module ======================================================================================== Website: ======================================================================================== */ // Parameter definitions params.CONTAINER = "" params.OUTPUT = "sorted_bam" process SAMTOOLS_SORT { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple val( sample_id ), path( bam ) output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}.aligned.sorted.bam" ), emit: sorted_bam script: """ samtools sort -o "${sample_id}.aligned.sorted.bam" ${bam} """ } /* * Index the BAM file for visualization purpose */ process SAMTOOLS_INDEX { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple val( sample_id ), path( sortedbam ) output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}.aligned.sorted.bam" ), path("*"), emit: aligned_sorted_bam script: """ samtools index ${sortedbam} """ }
- Create a new file
in the current modules directory; paste the following and save.
/* ======================================================================================== BCFTOOLS module ======================================================================================== Website: ======================================================================================== */ // Parameter definitions params.CONTAINER = "" params.OUTPUT = "vcf" process BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple path( genome ), path( "*" ), val( sample_id ), path( sortedbam ), path("*") output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}_raw.bcf" ), emit: raw_bcf script: """ bcftools mpileup -O b -o "${sample_id}_raw.bcf" -f ${genome} ${sortedbam} """ } /* * Detect the single nucleotide variants (SNVs). */ process BCFTOOLS_CALL { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple val( sample_id ), path( rawbcf ) output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}_variants.vcf" ), emit: variants_vcf script: """ bcftools call --ploidy 1 -m -v -o "${sample_id}_variants.vcf" ${rawbcf} """ } process VCFUTILS { // where to store the results and in which way publishDir( params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy' ) // indicates to use as container the value indicated in the parameter container( params.CONTAINER ) // show in the log which input file is analysed tag( "${sample_id}" ) input: tuple val( sample_id ), path( rawvcf ) output: tuple val( sample_id ), path( "${sample_id}_final_variants.vcf" ), emit: final_variants_vcf script: """ varFilter ${rawvcf} > "${sample_id}_final_variants.vcf" """ }
Importing Module Components in Nextflow
A component defined in a Nextflow module script can be readily imported into another Nextflow script using the include
keyword. This provides flexibility and promotes the reusability of code.
Take for example, a process named BWA_INDEX
that’s defined in a module script
. This process can be imported into the main execution context, and can therefore be invoked in the workflow scope.
By default, Nextflow looks for the script file nextflow_tutorial/modules/
, resolving the path relative to the location of the including script.
Note: Remember that relative paths must begin with the
Remote Import Restriction
Currently, it’s not possible to include a script from a remote URL in the
Multiple Inclusions
A Nextflow script can include any number of modules. When you need to include multiple components from the same module script, you can specify the component names in the same inclusion using curly brackets {}
. Component names should be separated by a semi-colon ;
as shown below:
include { COMPONENT1; COMPONENT2; COMPONENT3 } from 'path/to/module'
A module script can also define one or more parameters using the same syntax as a Nextflow workflow script.
To illustrate this, let’s create a new Nextflow script called
in the /workspace/nextflow_tutorial/
directory. This script will include multiple components from different module scripts:
/* ======================================================================================== Variant-Calling Nextflow Workflow ======================================================================================== Github : Contact : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nextflow.enable.dsl=2 // Display pipeline details println """\ V A R I A N T-C A L L I N G - N F P I P E L I N E =================================== genome : ${params.genome} reads : ${params.reads} outdir : ${params.outdir} """ .stripIndent() /* ======================================================================================== Include Modules ======================================================================================== */ // Include modules with corresponding output directories include { FASTQC } from "./modules/fastqc" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/fastqc") include { BWA_INDEX } from "./modules/bwa_index" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/bwa_index") include { BWA_ALIGN } from "./modules/bwa_align" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/bwa_align") include { SAMTOOLS_SORT; SAMTOOLS_INDEX } from "./modules/samtools" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/sorted_bam") include { BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP; BCFTOOLS_CALL; VCFUTILS } from "./modules/bcftools" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/vcf") /* ======================================================================================== Create Channels ======================================================================================== */ // Create channels for reference genome and reads ref_ch = Channel.fromPath(params.genome, checkIfExists: true) reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs(params.reads, checkIfExists: true) /* ======================================================================================== WORKFLOW - Variant Calling ======================================================================================== */ workflow { // Execute modules in the workflow FASTQC(reads_ch) BWA_INDEX(ref_ch) BWA_ALIGN(BWA_INDEX.out.bwa_index.combine(reads_ch)) SAMTOOLS_SORT(BWA_ALIGN.out.aligned_bam) SAMTOOLS_INDEX(SAMTOOLS_SORT.out.sorted_bam) BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP(BWA_INDEX.out.bwa_index.combine(SAMTOOLS_INDEX.out.aligned_sorted_bam)) BCFTOOLS_CALL(BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP.out.raw_bcf) VCFUTILS(BCFTOOLS_CALL.out.variants_vcf) } // Display pipeline execution summary upon completion workflow.onComplete { println (workflow.success ? """ Pipeline execution summary --------------------------- Completed at: ${workflow.complete} Duration : ${workflow.duration} Success : ${workflow.success} workDir : ${workflow.workDir} exit status : ${workflow.exitStatus} """ : """ Failed: ${workflow.errorReport} exit status : ${workflow.exitStatus} """ ) } /* ======================================================================================== THE END ======================================================================================== */
Update the nextflow.config
in the /workspace/nextflow_tutorial/
directory to add the following specifications and save.
/* ======================================================================================== NF-CORE Custom Config File ======================================================================================== Default config options for HPC compute environments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Profile config names for nf-core/configs params { config_profile_description = 'gitpod compliant config' config_profile_contact = '' config_profile_url = '' // Input parameters genome = "${launchDir}/data/ref_genome/ecoli_rel606.fasta" reads = "${launchDir}/data/trimmed_fastq/*_{1,2}.trim.fastq.gz" // Output options outdir = "results" } /* ======================================================================================== Nextflow Metrics & Reports ======================================================================================== */ timeline { enabled = true file = "${params.outdir}/timeline.html" } report { enabled = true file = "${params.outdir}/report.html" } trace { enabled = true fields = 'task_id,name,status,exit,realtime,%cpu,%mem,rss,vmem,peak_rss,peak_vmem,rchar,wchar' file = "${params.outdir}/trace.txt" } /* ======================================================================================== Base Executor config ======================================================================================== */ executor { queueSize = 2 } /* ======================================================================================== Profiles - slurm,singularity,conda ======================================================================================== */ profiles { slurm { process { executor = 'slurm' queue = 'my.q' } executor { queueSize = 100 pollInterval = '15 sec' } } conda { process.conda = "${launchDir}/environment.yml" } docker { docker.enabled = true } singularity { singularity.enabled = true } }
To run the workflow using Docker profile on GitPod
nextflow run -profile docker
CLICK HERE for SLURM submit script
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=varcal #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --time=48:00:00 #SBATCH --partition= cd nextflow_tutorial/ module load nextflow nextflow run -profile singularity,slurm --outdir "results-slurm"##
Module Aliases in Nextflow
In Nextflow, a process component, like BWA_INDEX
, can only be invoked once within the same workflow context. However, the inclusion of a module component allows you to specify a name alias
using the as
keyword in the include
statement. This enables the inclusion and invocation of the same component multiple times in your script using different names.
For instance:
// Including the same module twice with different aliases
include { BWA_INDEX } from './modules/'
include { BWA_INDEX as INDEX } from './modules/'
workflow {
// Define channels
ref_ch = Channel.fromPath( params.genome, checkIfExists: true )
reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs( params.reads, checkIfExists: true )
// Use the modules with different aliases
BWA_INDEX( ref_ch )
INDEX( ref_ch )
This allows the BWA_INDEX
process to be invoked twice in the workflow under different aliases.
It’s important to note that a module inherits the parameters defined before its include
statement. Any parameters set after this statement are ignored. Therefore, it’s advisable to define all pipeline parameters at the start of the script, prior to any include
The addParams
option can be used to extend the module parameters without affecting the external scope. This ensures a clean and independent configuration for each module.
Quick Recap
- A module file in Nextflow is a script containing one or more process definitions that can be imported into another Nextflow script.
- The
keyword is used to import a module into a workflow. - Module aliases enable the reuse of the same module multiple times within a workflow.
- A module inherits parameters defined before its inclusion, and the
option allows for the extension of module parameters without affecting the external scope.