NextFlow Sub-Workflows

Nextflow Sub-Workflows

This is part 12 of 14 of a Introduction to NextFlow.

Sub-workflows in Nextflow

Sub-workflows are a chain of multiple modules providing a higher-level of functionality within a pipeline context. For instance, you could have a sub-workflow running multiple QC tools with FastQ files as input. These sub-workflows should ideally be bundled with the pipeline implementation and shared among different pipelines as needed.

Nextflow DSL2 not only allows for the definition of reusable processes (modules), but also enables the creation of reusable sub-workflow libraries.

Workflow Definition

The workflow keyword enables the definition of workflow components that enclose one or more processes and operators.

An Implicit workflow is a workflow definition that does not declare any name and is assumed to be the main workflow. It is implicitly executed, serving as the entry point of the workflow application.

A workflow component can access any variable and parameter defined in the outer scope. It can also declare one or more input channels using the take keyword.

Warning: When using the take keyword, the beginning of the workflow body needs to be identified with the main keyword. Then, the input can be specified as an argument in the workflow invocation statement.

These input channels can be passed to the workflow as parameters inside the parentheses (). Multiple parameters are separated by a comma , and must be specified in the order they appear under take:.

Note: Workflow inputs are by definition channel data structures. If a basic data type is provided instead (i.e., number, string, list, etc.), it’s implicitly converted to a channel value (i.e., non-consumable).

A workflow component can declare one or more output channels using the emit keyword.

Note: Implicit workflow definition is ignored when a script is included as a module. This allows the writing of a workflow script that can be used either as a library module or as an application script.

Like modules, workflow components can be defined within your script or imported by an include statement. After which, they can then be invoked and composed as any other workflow component or process in your script.

Let’s create a sub-workflow for read qc using fastqc and multiqc modules.

    MULTIQC module

// Parameter definitions
params.CONTAINER = ""
params.OUTPUT = "multiqc_output"

process MULTIQC {

    // where to store the results and in which way
    publishDir(params.OUTPUT, mode: 'copy')

    // indicates to use as a container the value indicated in the parameter
    container( params.CONTAINER )

    // show in the log which input file is analysed
    tag( "${inputfiles}" )

    path( inputfiles )

    path "multiqc_report.html", emit: multiqc_report

    multiqc .
cd /workspace/nextflow_tutorial
mkdir subworkflows
cd subworkflows
    READ QC Sub-Workflow

    Include Modules

include { FASTQC } from "../modules/fastqc"
include { MULTIQC } from "../modules/multiqc"

    Workflow READ_QC

workflow READ_QC {


      fastqc  = FASTQC.out.fastqc_out
      multiqc = MULTIQC.out.multiqc_report
cd /workspace/nextflow_tutorial
    Variant-Calling Nextflow Workflow
    Github   :
    Contact  :


println """\
         V A R I A N T-C A L L I N G - N F   P I P E L I N E
         genome       : ${params.genome}
         reads        : ${params.reads}
         outdir       : ${params.outdir}

    Include Modules

include { BWA_INDEX  }                                from "./modules/bwa_index" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/bwa_index")
include { BWA_ALIGN  }                                from "./modules/bwa_align" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/bwa_align")
include { SAMTOOLS_SORT; SAMTOOLS_INDEX }             from "./modules/samtools"  addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/sorted_bam")
include { BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP; BCFTOOLS_CALL; VCFUTILS } from "./modules/bcftools"  addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/vcf")

    Include Sub-Workflows

include { READ_QC } from "./subworkflows/fastmultiqc" addParams(OUTPUT: "${params.outdir}/read_qc")

    Create Channels

ref_ch = Channel.fromPath( params.genome, checkIfExists: true  )
reads_ch = Channel.fromFilePairs( params.reads, checkIfExists: true )

    WORKFLOW - Variant Calling

workflow QC {

    READ_QC( reads_ch )


workflow {

    READ_QC( reads_ch )
    BWA_INDEX( ref_ch )
    BWA_ALIGN( BWA_INDEX.out.bwa_index.combine(reads_ch) )
    SAMTOOLS_SORT( BWA_ALIGN.out.aligned_bam )
    SAMTOOLS_INDEX( SAMTOOLS_SORT.out.sorted_bam )
    BCFTOOLS_MPILEUP( BWA_INDEX.out.bwa_index.combine(SAMTOOLS_INDEX.out.aligned_sorted_bam) )
    VCFUTILS( BCFTOOLS_CALL.out.variants_vcf )


workflow.onComplete {

    println ( workflow.success ? """
        Pipeline execution summary
        Completed at: ${workflow.complete}
        Duration    : ${workflow.duration}
        Success     : ${workflow.success}
        workDir     : ${workflow.workDir}
        exit status : ${workflow.exitStatus}
        """ : """
        Failed: ${workflow.errorReport}
        exit status : ${workflow.exitStatus}

    Custom Config File
    Default config options for HPC compute environments

//Profile config names for nf-core/configs

params {

  config_profile_description = ''
  config_profile_contact     = ''
  config_profile_url         = ''

  // Input parameters

  genome                     = "${launchDir}/data/ref_genome/ecoli_rel606.fasta"
  reads                      = "${launchDir}/data/trimmed_fastq/*_{1,2}.trim.fastq.gz"

  // Output options
  outdir                     = "results"

    Nextflow Metrics & Reports

timeline {
  enabled = true
  file    = "${params.outdir}/timeline.html"

report {
  enabled = true
  file    = "${params.outdir}/report.html"
trace {
  enabled = true
  fields  = 'task_id,name,status,exit,realtime,%cpu,%mem,rss,vmem,peak_rss,peak_vmem,rchar,wchar'
  file    = "${params.outdir}/trace.txt"

    Base Executor config

executor {
  queueSize = 2

    Profiles - slurm,singularity,conda,docker

profiles {
  sge {
    process {
      executor     = 'slurm'
      queue        = 'my.q'
    executor {
      queueSize    = 100
      pollInterval = '15 sec'

  conda {
    process.conda = "${launchDir}/environment.yml"

  singularity {
    singularity.enabled = true

   docker {
    docker.enabled = true


Specific workflow entry points

By default, the unnamed workflow is assumed to be the main entry point for the script. Using named workflows, the entry point can be customised by using the -entry option of the run command. This allows users to run a specific sub-workflow or a section of their entire workflow script.

For example:

nextflow run -profile docker -entry QC -with-dag read_qc_dag.png


executor >  slurm (6)
[a5/272a18] process > QC:READ_QC:FASTQC ([SRR2584866_1.trim.fastq.gz, SRR2584866_2.tri... [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[af/1182f5] process > QC:READ_QC:MULTIQC ([SRR2584866_1.trim_fastqc.html, SRR2584866_1... [100%] 3 of 3 ✔

       Pipeline execution summary
       Completed at: 2022-01-25T21:08:58.189-05:00
       Duration    : 1m 47s
       Success     : true
       workDir     : nextflow_tutorial/work

tree results/

├── read_qc
│   ├── multiqc_report.html
│   ├── SRR2584863_1.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── SRR2584863_2.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── SRR2584866_1.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── SRR2584866_2.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── SRR2589044_1.trim_fastqc.html
│   ├──
│   ├── SRR2589044_2.trim_fastqc.html
│   └──
├── report.html
├── timeline.html
└── trace.txt

1 directory, 16 files

Click here for another good example on using sub-workflows

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