NF-Core @ HPC

NF-Core @ HPC

This is part 3 of 14 of a Introduction to NextFlow.



See the full list of executors here.

SLURM custom config

cd /workspace/nextflow_tutorial/nf-core-viralintegration-0.1.0/workflow/
mkdir conf/nf-core-slurm
nano conf/nf-core-slurm/nfcore_custom.config
    NF-CORE Custom Config File
    Default config options for HPC compute environments

//Profile config names for nf-core/configs

params {

  config_profile_description = ''
  config_profile_contact     = ''
  config_profile_url         = ''

  // Output options
  outdir                     = "results"

    Nextflow Metrics & Reports

timeline {
  enabled = true
  file    = "${params.outdir}/timeline.html"

report {
  enabled = true
  file    = "${params.outdir}/report.html"
trace {
  enabled = true
  fields  = 'task_id,name,status,exit,realtime,%cpu,%mem,rss,vmem,peak_rss,peak_vmem,rchar,wchar'
  file    = "${params.outdir}/trace.txt"

    Base Executor config

executor {
  queueSize = 2

    Profiles - slurm,singularity,conda,docker

profiles {
  slurm {
    process {
      executor     = 'slurm'
      queue        = ''
    executor {
      queueSize    = 100
      pollInterval = '15 sec'

  singularity {
    singularity.enabled = true

  conda {
    conda.enabled = true

  docker {
    docker.enabled = true

nextflow run --custom_config_base conf/nf-core-slurm -profile test,docker --outdir results

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