

This is part 2 of 14 of a Introduction to NextFlow.

Learning Objectives

What is nf-core?

nf-core is a community effort to create a set of best-practice pipelines built using Nextflow. These pipelines are developed and maintained by experts in their respective fields, ensuring they are reliable, robust, and follow established guidelines. nf-core pipelines are designed to be easily portable and compatible with various computing environments, such as local machines, HPC clusters, and cloud platforms. Pipelines are governed by a set of guidelines, enforced by community code reviews and automatic code testing.


What is nf-core tools?

nf-core tools sub-commands

You can use the --help option to see the range of nf-core tools sub-commands.

nf-core --help
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nf-core/tools version 2.8 -

Usage: nf-core [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

nf-core/tools provides a set of helper tools for use with nf-core Nextflow pipelines.
It is designed for both end-users running pipelines and also developers creating new pipelines.

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version                        Show the version and exit.                                      │
│ --verbose        -v              Print verbose output to the console.                            │
│ --hide-progress                  Don't show progress bars.                                       │
│ --log-file       -l  <filename>  Save a verbose log to a file.                                   │
│ --help           -h              Show this message and exit.                                     │
╭─ Commands for users ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ list        List available nf-core pipelines with local info.                                    │
│ launch      Launch a pipeline using a web GUI or command line prompts.                           │
│ download    Download a pipeline, nf-core/configs and pipeline singularity images.                │
│ licences    List software licences for a given workflow (DSL1 only).                             │
╭─ Commands for developers ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ create            Create a new pipeline using the nf-core template.                              │
│ lint              Check pipeline code against nf-core guidelines.                                │
│ modules           Commands to manage Nextflow DSL2 modules (tool wrappers).                      │
│ subworkflows      Commands to manage Nextflow DSL2 subworkflows (tool wrappers).                 │
│ schema            Suite of tools for developers to manage pipeline schema.                       │
│ bump-version      Update nf-core pipeline version number.                                        │
│ sync              Sync a pipeline TEMPLATE branch with the nf-core template.                     │

Listing Available nf-core Pipelines

The easiest way to see all available nf-core pipelines is by using the nf-core list command, which displays all pipelines from the nf-core GitHub repository. The output provides information on the latest version number, release date, and whether you have the latest version if the pipeline has been pulled locally using Nextflow.

To list all available nf-core pipelines, run:

nf-core list
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nf-core/tools version 2.8 -

┃ Pipeline Name          ┃ Stars ┃ Latest Release ┃      Released ┃ Last Pulled ┃ Have latest release? ┃
│ smrnaseq               │    49 │          2.2.1 │    2 days ago │           - │ -                    │
│ scrnaseq               │    84 │          2.3.0 │   1 weeks ago │           - │ -                    │
│ funcscan               │    30 │          1.1.0 │   2 weeks ago │           - │ -                    │
│ rnafusion              │    95 │          2.3.4 │   3 weeks ago │           - │ -                    │
│ rnaseq                 │   610 │         3.11.2 │   3 weeks ago │ 3 weeks ago │ No (v3.11.1)         │
│ demultiplex            │    26 │          1.2.0 │   3 weeks ago │           - │ -                    │
│ differentialabundance  │    19 │          1.2.0 │   3 weeks ago │           - │ -                    │
│ mhcquant               │    21 │          2.4.1 │  1 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ viralintegration       │     8 │          0.1.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ quantms                │     9 │          1.1.1 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ viralrecon             │    93 │          2.6.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ airrflow               │    24 │            3.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ epitopeprediction      │    25 │          2.2.1 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ isoseq                 │    12 │          1.1.4 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ taxprofiler            │    50 │          1.0.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ nanoseq                │   110 │          3.1.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ cutandrun              │    41 │            3.1 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ circdna                │    13 │          1.0.2 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ ampliseq               │   114 │          2.5.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ mag                    │   126 │          2.3.0 │  2 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ nascent                │     8 │          2.1.1 │  3 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ phyloplace             │     3 │          1.0.0 │  3 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ proteinfold            │    21 │          1.0.0 │  3 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ crisprseq              │     8 │            1.0 │  3 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ hic                    │    51 │          2.0.0 │  4 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ sarek                  │   239 │          3.1.2 │  4 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ fetchngs               │    78 │            1.9 │  5 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ methylseq              │   104 │          2.3.0 │  5 months ago │ 1 weeks ago │ Yes (v2.3.0)         │
│ atacseq                │   134 │            2.0 │  5 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ eager                  │    91 │          2.4.6 │  6 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ coproid                │     7 │          1.1.1 │  6 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ hgtseq                 │    17 │          1.0.0 │  7 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ hlatyping              │    42 │          2.0.0 │  7 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ chipseq                │   145 │          2.0.0 │  7 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ rnavar                 │    16 │          1.0.0 │ 11 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ mnaseseq               │     9 │          1.0.0 │ 12 months ago │           - │ -                    │
│ hicar                  │     3 │          1.0.0 │   1 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ bamtofastq             │     9 │          1.2.0 │   1 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ bacass                 │    42 │          2.0.0 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ bactmap                │    41 │          1.0.0 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ metaboigniter          │    10 │          1.0.1 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ diaproteomics          │    10 │          1.2.4 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ clipseq                │    13 │          1.0.0 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ pgdb                   │     3 │          1.0.0 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ dualrnaseq             │    12 │          1.0.0 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ cageseq                │     9 │          1.0.2 │   2 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ proteomicslfq          │    29 │          1.0.0 │   3 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ imcyto                 │    20 │          1.0.0 │   3 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ slamseq                │     4 │          1.0.0 │   3 years ago │           - │ -                    │
│ callingcards           │     1 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ circrna                │    27 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ fastquorum             │     8 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ genomeannotator        │     9 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ genomeassembler        │    12 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ gwas                   │    12 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ lncpipe                │    25 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ metapep                │     3 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ metatdenovo            │     3 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ nanostring             │     2 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ pangenome              │    23 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ radseq                 │     0 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ raredisease            │    37 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ rnadnavar              │     0 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ rnasplice              │     3 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ scflow                 │    19 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ spatialtranscriptomics │    19 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ spinningjenny          │     0 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │
│ variantcatalogue       │     4 │            dev │             - │           - │ -                    │

Running nf-core Pipelines

Usage Instructions and Documentation

nextflow run nf-core/viralintegration -r 0.1.0 --help
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 23.04.1
Pulling nf-core/viralintegration ...
downloaded from
Launching `` [drunk_cantor] DSL2 - revision: 88a9d1708a [0.1.0]

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 nf-core/viralintegration v0.1.0-g88a9d17
Typical pipeline command:

 nextflow run nf-core/viralintegration --input samplesheet.csv --genome GRCh37 -profile docker

Input/output options
 --input                       [string]  Path to comma-separated file containing information about the samples in the experiment.
 --viral_fasta                 [string]  Path to fasta file with viral genomes [default:
 --outdir                      [string]  The output directory where the results will be saved. You have to use absolute paths to storage on Cloud
 --email                       [string]  Email address for completion summary.
 --multiqc_title               [string]  MultiQC report title. Printed as page header, used for filename if not otherwise specified.
 --min_reads                   [integer] Minimum reads [default: 5]
 --max_hits                    [integer] Maximum hits [default: 50]
 --remove_duplicates           [boolean] To remove duplicate viral hits or not [default: true]

Reference genome options
 --genome                      [string]  Name of iGenomes reference.
 --fasta                       [string]  Path to FASTA genome file.
 --gtf                         [string]  Path to GTF annotation file.

Generic options
 --multiqc_methods_description [string]  Custom MultiQC yaml file containing HTML including a methods description.

!! Hiding 24 params, use --show_hidden_params to show them !!
If you use nf-core/viralintegration for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

* Software dependencies

Running Pipelines with Test Profile

nextflow run nf-core/viralintegration -r 0.1.0 -profile test,docker --outdir test_results

If you encounter an error saying Failed to pull singularity image with status:255, follow the instructions below to create a /tmp folder in your $HOME directory and re-run the nextflow run command:

mkdir -p $HOME/tmp && export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp

sample output should looks like this:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 23.04.1
Launching `` [clever_lagrange] DSL2 - revision: 88a9d1708a [0.1.0]

       ___     __   __   __   ___     /,-._.--~'
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 nf-core/viralintegration v0.1.0-g88a9d17
Core Nextflow options
 revision                  : 0.1.0
 runName                   : clever_lagrange
 containerEngine           : docker
 launchDir                 : /home/speri/github/nextflow_varcal
 workDir                   : /home/speri/github/nextflow_varcal/work
 projectDir                : /home/speri/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/viralintegration
 userName                  : speri
 profile                   : test,docker
 configFiles               : /home/speri/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/viralintegration/nextflow.config

Input/output options
 input                     : /home/speri/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/viralintegration/assets/samplesheet.csv
 viral_fasta               :
 outdir                    : test_results
 remove_duplicates         : true

Reference genome options
 genome                    : GRCh38
 fasta                     :
 gtf                       :

Institutional config options
 config_profile_name       : Test profile
 config_profile_description: Minimal test dataset to check pipeline function

Max job request options
 max_cpus                  : 2
 max_memory                : 6.GB
 max_time                  : 6.h

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use nf-core/viralintegration for your analysis please cite:

* The nf-core framework

* Software dependencies
executor >  local (45)
[ed/a2ba7c] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:INPUT_CHECK:SAMPLESHEET_CHECK (samplesheet.csv)            [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[07/65a563] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:FASTQC (redherring_T1)                                     [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[e9/933cd3] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:STAR_GENOMEGENERATE_HOST (GRCh38_chr18.fa)                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[15/2b5059] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:STAR_ALIGN_HOST (test_T1)                                  [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[25/bf8d6c] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:TRIMMOMATIC (test_T1)                                      [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[4d/14ba97] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:POLYA_STRIPPER (test_T1)                                   [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[ce/a01528] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:CAT_FASTA (GRCh38_chr18.fa)                                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[49/ae91ad] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:STAR_GENOMEGENERATE_PLUS (GRCh38_chr18_plus_viraldb.fasta) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[82/b7b59c] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:STAR_ALIGN_PLUS (test_T1)                                  [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[b3/049d18] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:SAMTOOLS_SORT_PLUS (test_T1)                               [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[34/1d56e9] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:SAMTOOLS_INDEX_PLUS (test_T1)                              [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[53/26ccb7] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:INSERTION_SITE_CANDIDATES (test_T1)                        [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[b2/0a7f19] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:ABRIDGED_TSV (test_T1)                                     [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[fb/10e9f7] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRUS_REPORT (test_T1)                                     [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[be/3e71ed] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:EXTRACT_CHIMERIC_GENOMIC_TARGETS (test_T1)                 [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[0f/d0b6ac] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:STAR_ALIGN_VALIDATE (test_T1)                              [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[5e/2e4a1a] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:SAMTOOLS_SORT_VALIDATE (test_T1)                           [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[e5/9585bf] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:SAMTOOLS_INDEX_VALIDATE (test_T1)                          [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[95/8c1f8c] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:REMOVE_DUPLICATES (test_T1)                                [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[76/21d361] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:SUMMARY_REPORT (test_T1)                                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[45/4dc88a] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS (1)                            [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[b9/8e6aff] process > NFCORE_VIRALINTEGRATION:VIRALINTEGRATION:MULTIQC                                                    [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
-[nf-core/viralintegration] Pipeline completed successfully-
Completed at: 14-May-2023 15:30:41
Duration    : 5m 26s
CPU hours   : 0.2
Succeeded   : 45

Running with the test profile is a great way to confirm that you have Nextflow configured properly for your system before attempting to run with real data. This helps ensure that the pipeline, dependencies, and execution environment are set up correctly, making it easier to troubleshoot any issues that may arise when running with your actual data.

The results folder will contain:

├── abridged
├── cat
├── chimeric
├── extract
├── fastqc
├── insertion
├── multiqc
├── pipeline_info
├── polya
├── remove
├── samtools
├── star
├── summary
├── trimmomatic
└── virus

nf-core download nf-core/viralintegration -r 0.1.0

The command prompt will ask whether to download the Singularity containers or none. Choose singularity

? Download software container images: (Use arrow keys)
 » singularity

Next step, choose n to define a shared Singularity cache directory.

? Define $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR for a shared Singularity image download folder? [y/n]: n

Next, for the compression step, choose none

? Choose compression type: (Use arrow keys)
 » none

This will download the necessary files, containers, and configurations to run the specified nf-core pipeline offline. Be sure to transfer the downloaded files to the offline environment and configure the appropriate paths before executing the pipeline.

Now you can run the nf-core/viralintegration pipeline with the provided test data using the test profile

cd nf-core-viralintegration-1.0.0/workflow/
nextflow run -profile test,singularity


If you encounter issues running your pipeline, you can use the nf-core website to troubleshoot common mistakes and issues.

Extra resources and getting help

Citation: If you use nf-core tools in your work, please cite the nf-core publication as follows:

The nf-core framework for community-curated bioinformatics pipelines. Philip Ewels, Alexander Peltzer, Sven Fillinger, Harshil Patel, Johannes Alneberg, Andreas Wilm, Maxime Ulysse Garcia, Paolo Di Tommaso & Sven Nahnsen. Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Feb 13. doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0439-x. ReadCube: Full Access Link

Quick Recap

  • nf-core is a community-led project to develop a set of best-practice pipelines built using the Nextflow workflow management system.
  • nf-core tools is a suite of helper tools that aims to help people run and develop pipelines.
  • nf-core pipelines can be found using the nf-core helper tool --list option or from the nf-core website.
  • nf-core pipelines can be run using the nextflow run nf-core/<pipeline> syntax, or launched and parameters configured using the nf-core helper tool launch option.

Back to:Introduction Next:NF-Core @ HPC